Ngelu Math
  • Mei 27, 2024
Ngelumath Soal Tanya Jawab Materi Bahasa Inggris

Assalamu’alaikum Bolo Sehat sehat kabeh tho Wis ra sah ngelu neh.. Saiki tak bantu jawab soal ne hyo.. Semangat Bolo.. Stel kendo wae bolo Ora usah ngelu Dilumat wae soale Ning chanel Ngelumath…. Ngelumath “Solusi Ngelu Mikir Mapel Sekolah” Ngelumath “Bablas Ngelune” Ojo lali subkreb, follow, Karo dishare ning bolo liyane Ben ora ngelu berjamaah… wkk Ojo lali moco sholawat disik yo bolo, Ben padhang pikirane Bismillahirrohmaanirrohiim Allohumma sholi ala Muhammad wa aali Muhammad SOAL Do you know what is Descriptive Text? Tell me the meaning and the function of Descriptive Text! JAWAB Descriptive text is a type of writing that aims to describe a person, place, thing, or event in such a way that the reader…

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